Absent, disengaged, ill-equipped or busy fathers is a significant social issue damaging the lives of Australian children and young people. 

We’re living through a time of rapid social change, where community views of fatherhood are actively changing. Many fathers and father figures are struggling to fulfil the joys, challenges and responsibilities of being an engaged dad. Many Dads are struggling alone, contributing to poor mental health outcomes and higher rates of suicide and domestic violence. Delivering engaging prevention and intervention programs and research-based resources will equip fathers with the skills to be the best Dad they can be and improve the lives of fathers, children and families for generations to come.

The Fathering Project is an evidence-based organisation that aims to promote positive fathering behaviours and fathers’ engagement with their infants, preschool, primary school and adolescent-aged children.

We’re proud to be the first intervention program to be implemented in Australia which focuses on the fathers of all children.

Our charter

The Fathering Project operates independently under the guidance of a well-credentialed Board, who ensure the following principles are adopted.

We’re secular

We hold no religious point of view and solely promotes actions that are based on high-quality research and professional/academic views. Whilst from time-to-time we may work with a religious group, we do so without promoting any particular religious position. These groups are simply a community group to whom we impart our fathering principles, as we do to other community and corporate organisations.

We’re apolitical

We adopt no specific position on political issues or support any political group. We simply support initiatives that promote the better fathering, irrespective of who promotes them.

We’re committed to best practice and research-based approaches

We take an evidence based, best practice approach based upon the best research available. Our Scientific Advisory Group meets on a regular basis to monitor the research, evaluation of programs, content, and programming of The Fathering Project.

Learn more about The Fathering Project

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