Recent research shows that fathers have a significant impact on academic achievement and children’s attitude towards learning and school is very strongly influenced by their father.
Everyone has different memories of their time in school – some are very positive, but others may be less so. Of course, your personal experiences and memories may affect your attitude towards school and education.
However, it’s important that we allow our children the opportunity to enjoy school and form a positive attitude toward learning.
If your attitude is positive, your children will be more likely to begin the new experience of school with excitement and positivity.
As your kids move through their school years, it is important to keep emphasising the importance of learning and encourage them to get the most out of their school experience.
Top tips for encouraging a good attitude to learning
- Be positive. Send a note to the teacher or write in your child’s diary your appreciation of them.
- Approach learning with positive messages. Ask your children about what they have learnt at school each day. Ask them questions about what they are learning, and their thoughts and opinions about new topics.
- Take interest in your child’s homework and assignments. Assist where possible and talk over any issues they might have.
- Show respect for all teachers and be careful about the words and actions your child hears and sees from you.
- Take an interest in your child’s homework and assignments. Ask your child if they would like to discuss anything with you.
- Praise your child for their efforts. Notice and recognise their approach and commitment to learning and effort in their homework and assignments. Praise from dad goes a long way!
Dr Bruce Robinson is the founder of The Fathering Project – see more from Bruce
If you or your children are struggling
Kids can call Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800 or Youth Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636 or you can contact your child’s GP. If you are struggling, call Lifeline on 131 114, or Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636.
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