Cooking with Cameron: Shortbread for Christmas

Shortbread is a family favourite for many and something that’s easy to make. As we head into the festive season it’s a great recipe to try together with the kids. So get into it and have a crack. 


  • 225g plain flour 
  • 115g rice flour 
  • 115g caster sugar 
  • 225g butter (room Temp) 


  1. In a food processor beat butter for 30sec, add sugar and combine 
  2. Gradually add rice flour and flour and blend till combined until it forms a smooth dough 
  3. Remove from bowel and wrap in cling wrap and place in fridge for 30min. 
  4. Heat oven to 150c. 
  5. Roll out dough mix between baking paper (saves on clean up). Till its between 5-10mm. 
  6. Using cookie cutters and cut the cookies out. Laying them on baking paper covered trays. 
  7. Cook for 12-15min then remove and dust with caster sugar 
  8. Allow to cool 



Cooking with Cameron 

The Fathering Project 

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