Join The Fathering Channel on Tuesday for our live weekly chat group. Dads from across Australia can chat, share, ask questions, get tips and stay connected.
This forum occurred on 28 April 2020.
Registrations Closed
In recent weeks we’ve heard many stories about the effects of COVID-19 on communities and families across Australia. It’s been hard, devastating, and for many unimaginable.
In spite of these challenging stories, many people have observed that some of the changes we’ve been forced to make have been positive, such as spending more time with our children, slowing down the pace of life, doing the little things.
This week we invite Fathers and Father-Figures to chat about some of the challenges this new norm has presented, but also to share some of the unique and positive outcomes they have experienced.
We’ll discuss how we can work on establishing some new habits and how to cement these changes to become our new norm moving forward.
This is a father and father-figure only event.
Join us every Tuesday for a chat online. Our facilitators welcome all dads and father-figures across Australia to take part in this weekly online community. Two session are run each week at 7PM EST and 7PM WST.
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Do you know about our Dads Groups?
Across Australia The Fathering Project assists dads to form groups that organise fun activities at schools across Australia, providing a safe and inclusive environment where fathers can engage with their kids, learn, share and connect with each other.
Find out more about joining one of our Dad Groups.
For those fathers and father figures who are members of the Dads Group in your school, you are welcome to join in our chat on Tuesdays. Also, keep an eye out for your own school chat session that many leaders will be organising.