The teenage brain: Dads matter during the teenage years
The adolescent brain is different to the adult brain as it is ‘under construction’ in preparation for the transitions from childhood to adulthood. All teenagers go through similar phases including the increasing need for independence, developing identity, testing authority and increased risk taking. All of these phases are linked to developmental and hormonal changes in […]
Play is a game changer for toddlers
At the Fathering Project, we believe that “play is a game changer” for children’s development. Fathers who engage in active play with their kids encourage them to explore, discover, and problem-solve. In particular, rough and tumble play, such as tickling, chasing, and fun wrestling, has been shown to boost children’s confidence and ability to cope […]
A dad’s role in building healthy self-esteem
A key factor in the development of resilience in children and young people is a healthy self-esteem. We want our children to believe – I am capable and confident in myself and my ability to take on challenges and try new things. Young people with positive self-esteem are more likely to feel capable and valuable, […]
Empowering your child’s self-image and self-identity
Your child’s self-image or self-identity refers to their mental image of themselves, of who they are as individuals, socially and more globally. A sense of image or identity can be shaped by experiences, interactions with others, the local environment, and their own unique personality. Self-image has a lot to do with self-esteem because how your […]
Lingering anxiety since returning to school
All children and young people will experience anxiety at some stage because it’s a natural reaction our bodies have to a challenging or stressful event, or when we are pushed outside our comfort zone. Starting school can be a time of anxiety for children and young people especially if they are starting school for the […]
Back to school: Tips to support overtired behaviour
It can take a few weeks to get back into the swing of the school routine. The first few months can be tiring for your child, you are likely to see some irritability, tantrums and tears. Settling into a new school year can mean different routines, different expectations, as well new people and environments. School […]
The first weeks of school: How to support your child
Although many children settle in relatively quickly, the start of school can cause some children to regress into some separation anxiety. This can result in tears and clinging as you try to leave at school. Separation anxiety is a child’s normal fear of being away from their parents or carers. This can start at around […]
Dad-proof tip: Partner with your child’s school in 2023
As the holidays start to come to an end and the new school term begins, one of our go-to tips is to encourage dads to partner with their child’s school. When dads and father figures make partnerships with their child’s school, it shows your interest in their education, and also helps you feel more connected […]
Dad-proof tip: Check in on your mates
As we ease into a new year post-holiday celebrations and the whirlwind of the festive season, take a moment to reflect. Are there mates you haven’t heard from over this holiday period, or someone that seems off? Is there a dad who perhaps didn’t get to see his kids over the holidays, or spend time […]
Dad-proof tip: Look after your wellbeing this festive season
There has been a lot of talk lately about the term ‘Wellbeing’, especially post-COVID when our wellbeing was challenged in ways we may not have experienced before. Wellbeing is the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. It’s a combination of a person’s physical, mental, emotional and social health factors – it is a mixture […]
Dad-proof tip: Determine your family values
Family values form the foundation for children to understand right from wrong and to make independent good decisions when you are not there to guide them. This becomes especially important when your child moves into their teen years. Your family values define what you, as a family, think is important, what is good and how […]
Dad-proof tip: Have family meetings
Family meetings are regular get togethers, with the family, to ‘check in’ on how everyone is feeling, discuss important issues, and review and plan for the coming week. The goals of the weekly family meeting are to help you communicate better, bring everyone closer together, and to have some fun. Family meetings help to teach […]