John Aiken Relationship Tip #4 – Take a Time Out

This week’s relationship tip is all about the importance managing arguments together.

When we start to argue, we get flooded with emotions, and can tend to shut down.

Shutting down can limit our ability to take advice, or even see different perspectives.

To stop things from escalating, John recommends taking a time out.

More about John

As a relationship expert on The Fathering Channel, John is sharing his strategies and easy tips to help dads improve their relationship with their partners during these difficult times. @johnaikenlive


Relationship Tips with John Aiken
Each week relationship expert John Aiken will share a new tip on how to build the family foundations for dads and mums to support healthy strong family bonds. Tips for dads that are easy to follow and that John says he stands by in his life.
More from John Aiken

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