How to support your children through separation

Supporting children through a separation is a top priority to ensure their wellbeing. Separating from your partner can be an emotional time. In families with children, the separation of parents can be particularly hard on the children, so it’s important to keep their best interests at heart through the journey that follows.

What you can do to help your child:

  • Focus on what is best for them.
  • Keep reminding them that both parents love them.
  • Avoid negativity around them. Create a no blame environment and avoid putting the other parent down or talking negatively about the situation around them.
  • Listen to their feelings. Provide an opportunity for them to talk about what is happening and listen to their needs.
  • Maintain daily routines. Keep up routines, such as going to school and having specific mealtimes and bedtimes
  • Seek advice if needed. If you feel your child is really not coping see your GP for some advice and support.

What do kids want?

  • We want to love both parents.
  • We want to know you love us, will protect us, and won’t leave us no matter what.
  • We are kids. Keep us out of your adult personal issues.
  • We will feel sad and upset too but might find it hard to talk about it.
  • No fighting or bad mouthing the other parent.
  • We need time and support to adjust. It is a big change.
  • Please communicate about our parenting and arrangements.

Check out this podcast with Lisanne Iriks, family mediator: Listen here

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