Tips on being an actively engaged dad with Dr Bruce Robinson

Tips for active dads

This month we are looking at what it means to be an actively engaged dad, why it is important for you and your kids to do things together, and provide a few tips to encourage engagement with your kids – they will love it and so will you.

Here are a few tips on how to be an active dad around school, and sporting activities

  • Keep track of your children’s upcoming events each term, put their special dates in your desktop calendar so you have notification of them in advance.
  • Arrange your work schedule around these important events whenever possible.
  • When you attend these special events let your children know that they are your top priority – this will fill them with pride. Don’t spend your time looking at your mobile phone reading or sending messages.
  • When you attend events give your full attention. Your child will notice if you are not watching or participating.
  • Weekend sport is always a good one to get involved in. From being a coach to giving a hand on the BBQ, helpers are always needed, and it is a great way to connect with your kids.
  • Make sure to be a supportive at your kid’s activities or sport and encourage them with positive messages.
  • For younger children try to join the roster as a classroom helper so you get to be in the class with your child during school.
  • Try to get time off to volunteer to help at school activities – sports carnivals, camps or school social family events. Kids like to see their parents involved.
  • Try to regularly schedule doing the school drop off or pick up to connect with your child and their school. The commute or walk is a great time for a catch up.

In summary:

  1. Check out your child’s calendar before the beginning of each term.
  2. Make a commitment to be actively engaged in your child’s life.


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Mondays with Fathering Project founder Dr Bruce Robinson
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