What do girls need most from their dads?

Seven things girls need most from their dads.

From the moment your daughter is born, you will play a key role in her development. In fact, when fathers are present in their daughters’ lives, girls grow up with a much healthier sense of who they are.  

Research has shown, that when fathers provide praise, support, and unconditional love, their daughters develop a strong sense of identity and positive self-esteem. They also are more confident and self-assured and have a clearer understanding of what they want in life. 

  • Show affection. Be open with her. Let her know you care and she is loved no matter what.
  • When you get it wrong, say so. A genuine ‘sorry’ can bring you closer and gain more respect – it also teaches humility and honesty
  • Provide positive support and acceptance as she’s experiencing changes, and carefully remind her that you understand – you experienced changes of your own. 
  • Build on her self-esteem and confidence. A girl’s self-esteem is built on healthy, supportive relationships, especially with their dad, so be considerate of this.  
  • Be a good role model for men. Girls form strong messages about future relationships from the way their fathers treat their mothers/partners so be aware of this. She is watching. 
  • Breakdown the gender stereotypes. Let your daughter know that you believe in her – whatever she wants to do. Encourage her to be comfortable with who she is. Introduce her to your own interests and as wide a range of activities as you can – including sports, building, fixing and problem solving. 


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