Why resilience is important and how to train your brain

Webinar with Senior Research Scientist Dr Justine Gatt

Dr Gatt leads a research program that focuses on understanding the neuroscience of wellbeing and resilience to stress, trauma, and ways wellbeing can be promoted via various intervention platforms.

“We are not born with resilience, but we can develop resilience as fathers, partners and community members. Please join me to learn how to develop resilience and why it matters.” – Dr Justine Gatt

This webinar was recorded on Thursday 30 July 2020.

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About our speaker Justine Gatt

Dr Justine Gatt completed her PhD in Psychology at the University of Sydney in 2005. She completed three years postdoctoral training in genetics and neuroimaging at the Brain Dynamics Centre, Westmead Hospital and University of Sydney (2006-2009).

She has since been successful in obtaining two competitive national research fellowships; the first an ARC Linkage Postdoctoral Fellowship (2008-2011) in emotional wellbeing in twins (the TWIN-E study); the second, a NHMRC Career Development Fellowship (2014-2017) in the neuroscience and genetics of resilience.

In 2014, she moved to the School of Psychology at the University of New South Wales with a conjoint position at NeuRA.

In 2016, Dr Gatt was promoted to Group Leader and Senior Research Scientist at NeuRA as well as Senior Lecturer at the University of New South Wales, where she currently leads several national and international projects in resilience and wellbeing.

July is Resilience Month at The Fathering Channel

Resilience is not something we are all born with – it is the learned response to challenges, risks, fears that confront us, and how we respond to them, get back up and move forward.

Resilience is important for several reasons; it enables us to develop mechanisms for protection against experiences which could be overwhelming, it helps us to maintain balance in our lives during difficult moments or stressful events like COVID-10, and it can also protect us from the development of some mental health issues in our lifetime.

Join us this month for a series of academic lead webinars for fathers, father figures and partners on building resilience with leaders in their field from Australia and Canada on the Fathering Channel.

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