Helping your child to build empathy

grayscale photography of kids walking on road

The development of true empathy and compassion is a step-by-step process that builds as children develop and experience life. Sympathy means recognising someone’s emotions, but empathy is a step further. Empathy is when you feel the same emotion as the other person because you can imagine yourself in their place. Compassion takes this further. When […]

Tips for helping your children to be safe in activities without you

girl making bubbles during daytime

As your child gets a bit older, they become increasingly independent and may spend time away from you at school, sports or other activities. It is important to have conversations about staying safe when you are not there. Top Tips Set boundaries about places they may go, people they may see, and things they may […]

Navigating the Digital World: Protecting your child’s online presence

grayscale photo of person using MacBook

One of our most commonly asked about topics is how parents can keep their kids safe online. The digital world is constantly changing, and navigating it as a parent can often be challenging. We want the best for our children, and their online safety must be a top priority. In this episode we are joined […]

Why you need to be an adaptable dad

Father Giving High Five to His Son in a Bathroom

Every dad knows that once you have children, even the best plans can be sent into chaos in an instant.  In order to meet these challenges effectively, you have to find ways of staying in the game, even when things aren’t going right. “Look at me right now. Relaxing in the driver’s seat, windows down, […]

Podcast: Tackling anxiety with Steve Biddulph

We are thrilled to welcome back our friend and renowned Australian best-selling author, activist and psychologist, Steve Biddulph. If you’re someone who experiences anxiety, or have had anxious feelings and not entirely sure how to address them, we encourage you to listen to this episode. Steve talks us through what he refers to as our […]

Father involvement in early childhood development

father engagement in the toddler years

Father involvement in early childhood development has a deep impact on a child’s healthy development in all domains: language, thinking, physical, and social–emotional. When fathers spend quality time with their children, playing or doing activities together, they can expect their children to grow more resilient and healthily.  This evidence does not show fathers’ influence as […]

Podcast: The role of supportive caregiving in early childhood

Happy young bearded father holding adorable baby boy in hands in light room

In this podcast episode we are discussing early childhood and the role of supportive care during these key developmental years. A child who has an engaged, loving and supportive upbringing both in early childhood and in their education influences a variety of developmental milestones and is also a predictor of their success in transitioning to […]

Building creative thinking and language

girl in blue long sleeve shirt carrying baby in red and black long sleeve shirt

Building creative thinking and language from an early age is key to child development outcomes. From a very early age, most children have great imaginative power and creative ability. This is often expressed in creative role play which helps children to explore the world around them. Children will role play scenes they have participated in […]

Dr Bruce Robinson and Maggie Dent fathering advice video series

Father Giving High Five to His Son in a Bathroom

We are excited to announce the launch of the fathering tips and advice video series with Maggie Dent and Dr. Bruce Robinson. Together, they bring you an exclusive six-part video series packed with invaluable insights and practical tips to help you navigate the complexities of fatherhood and raising children. As parents, we all strive to […]

Talking to your kids about healthy relationships

talking to kids about healthy relationships

Talking to your kids about healthy relationships is important for their development. Both dads and mums play an important role in having age-appropriate conversations to educate their sons and daughters about how to be respectful and expect respect. Modelling healthy relationships for kids will help influence the people they surround themselves with and the types of […]

Podcast: Managing anxiety as a parent

a man holds his head while sitting on a sofa

In this episode, we discuss managing anxiety as a parent and coping strategies when life feels challenging for you, and your family. In today’s world, we all experience anxious moments, and our kids can too. But it’s important to recognise when the anxiety is on-going and impacting your day-to-day life and signs to look out […]

A father’s impact on toddler development

baby boy wearing pair of blue socks

Toddlers are at an important stage for social and emotional development, where they are learning how to interact with the world and how to understand and express their own emotions. It is a key stage for language development and emotional regulation, so your role in encouraging and providing a safe environment is essential.  Did you […]

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